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1 14200 分享 来源:必克英语 2013-09-13

  Charles Dickens is definitely one of my most recommended writers ,whose classic novels that have impacted and captivated generation after generation and  that have been seen as a mirror reflecting multiple prevailing phenomena in society.Today I 'd like to take this unique opptunity to recommend a tragic book called Oliver Twist, the elements of misery, hypocrisy, bullrag, treachery , deception ,crimes, deep precedence and sinisterness will startle all and rouse great inspiration as well as indignation.

  Looking gloomy in his eyes but displaying an act of generosity and gentlemenliness and suffering enormous pain such as insolence, child abuse, impoverishment as well as psychic trauma, the little poor orphan Oliver Twist, the central protagonist, started out “ humble”。 He originally lived in the asylum where people were destitute of human feelings and kids with ragged clothes suffered from intolerable hunger and thirst. Under this circumstance, I figure almost every reader will be indignant and astounded to picture such an unbelievable scene as Oliver constantly begging for more food while the aristocrat treating him with haughty contempt.

  As crazy as it seems,Oliver stretched out his hands for more food and not to plea for forgiveness and mercy,  this part to a great extent was an explicit  indication of his greatest characteristic fighting for the right to survive, to strive for his own values and to struggle with his sorrowful destiny. On the other hand, indifference was like a sharp sword barely bringing them to the edge of disaster, destitution and even death. Sympathy, cynicism and irony provide a marked contrast to reveal the barely stark realities of life for the needy, which issued a blunt signal to call for increasing awareness of humanization.

  With my book and eyes half closed, I already abandon myself to deep contemplation. However,the shadow of  Positive Oliver still lingers in my mind, smiling serenely to me. Compared with Oliver, I realise how luckier I am in terms of my past and present life. In crude terms, I appreciate reading and pondering over this far- reaching book :Oliver Twist ,which surely acts as a “bulwark” against such stigmatic realities as child abuse and apparent hierarchy. In other words, it's more of a magical mirror, reminding us of the dark side of the human soul, reflecting  multiple prevailing phenomena and recalling our lost souls in the howling wind.


  狄更斯肯定是我最推荐的作家之一,其经典小说的影响,迷住了一代又一代,已被看作是一面镜子,反映多个普遍现象在society.Today我倒是想借此独特的机会上,建议本书叫“雾都孤儿”悲惨,痛苦的元素,虚伪, bullrag ,背叛,欺骗,犯罪,深优先级和惊吓,唤起伟大的灵感,以及愤慨。

  在他的眼睛,但面色阴沉显示的行为慷慨和gentlemenliness ,遭受巨大的痛苦,如傲慢,虐待儿童,贫困以及精神创伤,小的可怜的孤儿雾都孤儿“ ,中央的主角,开始了”谦虚“ 。他最初住在庇护人穷困潦倒的人的感情和衣衫褴褛的孩子遭受难以忍受的饥饿和干渴。在这种情况下,我的身影几乎每一位读者将愤怒和惊讶地想象这样一个令人难以置信的场景,奥利弗不断乞求更多的食物,而贵族对待他高傲的蔑视。


  我的书和半闭着眼睛,我已经放弃自己深思。然而,的阴影正奥利弗仍然徘徊在我的脑海里,安详地微笑着我。与奥利弗相比,我意识到我在我的过去和现在的生活如何幸运。在原油方面,我很欣赏阅读和思考过这一具有深远意义的一本书: ”雾都孤儿,这肯定作为“堡垒”反对虐待儿童和明显的层次结构等柱头现实。换句话说,这是一个神奇的镜子,提醒我们人类灵魂的黑暗面,反映多个普遍现象,回顾我们在瑟瑟的寒风中迷失的灵魂。


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