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10 13264 分享 来源:必克英语 2013-01-09


        For some people food is just a necessity to satisfy basicneeds, for the others food is more than just a basic necessity, but a pleasurethat plays a significant role in their understanding of happiness. There are somany different cuisines and food preferences built by cultural and ethnicalbackgrounds, geographical locations and social classes. Food can tell us a lotabout the history and traditions of various nations and regions. Meat eatinghabits, herbs and crops – everything makes its contribution to the traditionalcuisine and culture. India is a land of spices, Africa is a continent ofsauces, Europe discloses esthetical beauty of food and opens up newopportunities and inventions for those who value and enjoy eating.

        Eating habits change over time and followclimate, cultural and other transformations that determined the evolution ofthe communities and other social cells. Changes in the way people serve thetable, evolution of European and Asian business etiquette, food preferencesaccording to the surveys in different countries and other elements that allowmeasuring and analyzing the evolution of food help us understand the history.