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写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:10 - 强制学生上课

1 6238 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-11-06

写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:10 - 强制学生上课。为帮助大家做好四六级、专四专八、考研等各类英语考试的准备与复习,平台即日起推出英文写作系列,同时提供高分范文和范文音频,既可以背诵培养语感,也可以收听练习听力。(关注本站,持续更新基础英语考研资料,不定时发放英语大礼包)


Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes while others believe that going to classes should be optional. What is your opinion about compulsory class attendance?


Class Attendance Should Be Compulsory

Although some students argue that class attendance should not be compulsory either because the classes are boring or because they can learn more on their own, I believe that making class attendance compulsory is beneficial for both students and teachers.

First, it is beneficial for students because most universities have a regulation that states if students miss one-third of their classes they will not be allowed to take the final exam. So students being absent from class punish themselves by missing out on the exam and face having to retake the class during the next semester. Furthermore, many teachers tie in attendance with marks. For example, my English teacher awards 10 percent of the final marks for attendance with percent being deducted for every absence. In some cases, lack of attendance could mean the difference between a pass or fail. Second, it is beneficial for teachers because a full class complement shows respect for the teacher and the university education system. If a teacher prepares to teach a class it is only right that students turn up to be taught. If it is not compulsory for students to attend classes then teachers could say that what is good for the goose is good for the ganders too and refuse to take classes. Clearly this would lead to a breakdown of the entire university system.

In conclusion, making class attendance compulsory benefits both students and teachers by allowing students to maximize their marks and allowing teachers to be respected for their professional duties. (253 words)


1.Teachers are compelled to attend classes and so should students,


2.Students who fail to attend class for whatever reason only harm themselves.


3.Teachers and students are a vital part of the educational process and if you take away one the whole edifice crumbles.


4.Teachers show respect for their students by diligently preparing for class and students show their respect for teachers by turning up for class.


5.There are more advantages for compulsory class attendance than disadvantages.For example,…


以上就是写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:10 - 强制学生上课的所有内容,希望对大家有帮助!现在国内越来越重视英语了,掌握一首好英语,不仅对学习和工作都有很大的帮助。

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