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3 8542 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-07-18


Managing Your Time at College

Students report another source of freshman anxiety: the amount of unstructured time. This is one of the major differences between high school and college. In high school you may have felt that you were constantly scheduled, with very few breaks. In college your classes may be spaced out during the day, with free time between each class. Or they may be bunched up into a few days, mornings, or afternoons—leaving large periods of "leisure" time.



Sound good? The challenge is managing your "free" time. There can be many demands on this time: studying, attending clubs, eating, working, and exercising, just to name a few. It is up to you to work it out.


Here's a bit of advice many experienced college students offer: Don't procrastinate. There is nothing worse than approaching the end of a semester and realizing you have an impossible mountain of work to do. By all means, have a good time—but keep in mind why you are in college in the first place.



第一段中,unstructured time表示“没有规划好的时间”,和下文的leisure time, free time是同义替换。

space out是space的一个新用法,意思是to arrange things with a wide space between them“使间隔开”。《卫报》中曾有篇文章认为暑假太长,应该把暑假分成几个小假期,分散在一学年里,这样学生既不会忘掉知识,也不至于学习太累,而且家长的负担也小。文中是这么说的:

This would give teachers and children a similar amount of holiday, just spaced more evenly over the year.


space out和下文的bunch up是一对反义表达,bunch常作名词,表示“一束”,比如a bunch of flowers;此处作动词,表示“集中、聚拢”(“聚拢”在一起才叫“一束花”),常见搭配为bunch up / together,文中指课程集中在几天、或几个上午、下午,和space out所描述的情形正好相反。

第二段中,just to name a few常用于举例子中,表示“等等”,可以替换我们常用的and so on. 此外,也可以说to name but a few.



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