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1 10888 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-08-09




Should young people always respect and obey those older than themselves in all circumstances? In my opinion, respect and obedience do not necessarily go hand in hand all the time.


In my context, people who are older than me should be my parents, older siblings, teachers, relatives and others, who started life earlier than I and have seen the coming and going ofgenerations and are therefore much more experienced. In view of their seniority in age andrich experiences, they do deserve our respect.


Responding our seniors is the basic expression of politeness, such as greeting them, helpingthem do anything within our capacity and seeking advice from them in making decisions in life. Such response from us is an expression of love, too. The seniors, being assured of oursincerity, will be most happy and contented.


However, whether you ng people should always obey the seniors remains controversial. Beforeresponding, I think it is helpful to ask: is the advice or desire given morally right? Is itencouraging me to act against my own will? Is it given based on prejudices? I am convincedthat young people should not simply obey without thinking, because blind obedience onlyconfirms how immature, impulsive and naive we are.


To conclude, it is necessary to respect the seniors, however, to obey them at all times isquestionable. As goes the saying "think before you act," I am sure that every mature youthwill discern what is right and what is wrong before r esponding wisely.



go hand in hand 联合,并进

in my context 就我而言

coming and going of generations 几代人的变化

in view of their seniority 鉴于他们年长

act against my own will 违背自己的意愿行动

I am convinced that... 我相信……

        这是一篇典型的议论文,题目是一个社会热门话题。文中作者的论点是“ 尊敬长者理所应当”,但是“ 总要服从则另当别论”。希望本文的思路、结构对大家有所帮助!





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