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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-14

2 12770 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-10-10


You have your ducks in a row.你工作干得很漂亮。

A: You have your ducks in a row.

A: 你工作干得很漂亮。

B: Thank you very much! I will devote all my efforts to my work.

B: 非常感谢,我会鞠躬尽瘁的。



When I feel nervous, I am slow on the draw.当我紧张时,我会反应迟钝。

A: How about your oral defense of your thesis?

A: 你的论文答辩怎么样?

B: It's not very good. When I feel nervous, I am slow on the draw.

B: 不是很好。当我紧张时,我会反应迟钝。



Lighten up a bit! 放轻松一点儿!

A: What can I do now? I am in my mid-twenties! But I have no a lifelong secure job.

A: 我该怎么办才好?我都已经25岁了,但是还没有一份正式的工作。

B: Don't be so serious! Lighten up a bit!

B: 别那么紧张!放轻松一点儿!



You scared the shit out of me.你吓死我了。

A: Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.

A: 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。

B: I am so sorry about that.

B: 我对此非常抱歉!



You are freaking me out.你吓死我了。

A: You are freaking me out.

A: 你吓死我了。

B: You don't like the dog? I promise I will never bring it with me.

B: 你不喜欢狗?我发誓我再也不遛狗了。



I have butterflies in my stomach now! 我现在心里感到很不安,很紧张!

A: I am so worried about this English contest. I have butterflies in my stomach now!

A: 我很担心这次的英语比赛,现在心里感到很不安,很紧张!

B: I have confidence in you. Believe in yourself.

B: 我对你有信心,相信你自己。



She is at the end of her rope.她已经无计可施了。

A: I have tried everything, but nothing's worked. I am at the end of my rope.

A: 我已经尝试过所有的办法了,但都没有用,我已经山穷水尽了。

B: Don't worry about it. Tomorrow is another day!

B: 你不要太担心了,一切都会好起来的!



Recharge your batteries! 振作起来!

A: Recently I feel I am exhausted and frequently feel nervous.

A: 最近我感觉整个人萎靡不振,而且经常觉得紧张不安。

B: You can have a long trip to relax and recharge your batteries.

B: 不妨去旅游一番,放松一下,重新振作起来。



Don't jump to conclusions.不要妄下结论。

A: This document is the achievement I made in the investigation. I firmly think this program is a good opportunity.

A: 这份文件所列的是我上次调查的成果。我坚信这个项目是一个绝好的主意。

B: Don't jump to conclusions. We have to figure it out first.

B: 不要妄下结论,先把事情搞清楚。



It made my hair curl.这令我毛骨悚然。

A: The horror movie was so bloody. It made my hair curl.

A: 那部恐怖片很血腥,让我觉得毛骨悚然。

B: I agree with you. But I still want to watch it.

B: 我同意你的说法,但是我仍想看一看。