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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-12

1 11685 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-09-19


You fell apart!你整个人都崩溃了。

A: When I heard that he was injured, I felt apart!

A: 当我听说他受伤时,我整个人都崩溃了。

B: Don't worry. Everything will be OK.

B: 别担心,一切都会好起来的。



Stop jerking my chain.不要再烦我了。

A: Hey! Could you tell me more about the super star?

A: 嗨,能多透露一些关于这个巨星的消息吗?

B: Stop jerking my chain. I am trying to study.

B: 不要再烦我了!我要学习!



She must have a cow!她一定气死了。

A: When you told your mom you would be home around 2a.m., she must have a cow!

A: 你跟你妈妈说你会到凌晨两点才回家,她一定气死了。

B: You are right. My mum must be crazy.

B: 没错。我妈妈一定都快疯了。



Knock it off! 住嘴!

A: Adam, knock it off, would you? Your singing is killing me.

A: 亚当,住最好吗?你的歌声简直要我的命。

B: Hey! Don't be so rude!

B: 嘿!不要那么没礼貌!



He is nothing but bad news around here.他被视为是这一带的讨厌鬼。

A: As it's know to all of us, he is nothing but bad news around here. You should keep away from him.

A: 众所周知,他被视为是这一带的讨厌鬼。你应该离他远一点。

B: He is not as bad as you think. I think he is a kind man.

B: 他并没有你想象中的那么坏,我认为他是个十分善良的人。



You came on to her.你轻薄她。

A: I heard that a beautiful girl slapped you after you came on to her.

A: 听说你轻薄一个美女后她打了你一巴掌。

B: Who told you that? I have never done that kind of thing.

B: 谁告诉你的?我从不干那样的事情。



I was not born yesterday.我又不是小孩,别骗我了。

A: You can take this car into consideration. It works well and its price is reasonable.

A: 你可以考虑一下这辆车。这辆车的性能优越而且价格合理。

B: I was not born yesterday.

B: 我又不是小孩,别骗我了。



He should brush it off.你应该不理会。

A: Have you heard about John's obscene words towards the manager?

A: 你听到约翰讲有关经理猥亵的话吗?

B: Yes, but he should brush it off as if it were not a big deal to him.

B: 听到了!但他应该不理会觉得那并没有什么!



I got the short end of the stick.这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情况了。

A: Did you get any pizza? When I got there, only small one was left. What a pity!

A: 你拿到比萨没?等我去拿时只剩下一些小的。真可惜!

B: I got the short end of the stick.

B: 这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情况了。



It really goes against the grain.真不愉快!

A: All the boys want to date you. Why no one want to have a date with me? It really goes against the grain.

A: 所有的男孩都想约你,怎么就没有人想约我呢?真不愉快!

B: Don't say that. You are such a charming girl.

B: 你不要那么说,你是一个非常迷人的女孩。