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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-7

1 9780 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-08-15


I see.我了解。

A: Honey, please forgive me. There is lots of work to do. So, I forget your birthday.

A: 亲爱的,原谅我,我有很多工作要做,所以,忘记了你的生日。

B: I see. That's all right. Don't put the blame on yourself.

B: 我了解,没关系,不用责怪自己了。



Twenty-four seven.一天到晚,全天候。

A: Are you free this sunday? A pretty laptop attracts me. I want to buy it. Could you go with me?

A: 你星期天有空吗?我看中了一台笔记本电脑,并且想把它抱回家。你有空陪我去吗?

B: Twenty-four seven.

B: 24小时都有空。



You can't always be in the driver's seat.不能凡事你都自己做主。

A: I was totally shattered after the long work.

A: 经过长时间的工作,我已经累坏了。

B: You can't always be in the driver's seat. Everyone should participate in this program.

B: 你不能凡事都自己做主。每个人都应该参与到这份工作中来。



You have missed the boat.你错失了良机。

A: Although you spare no effort to complete the project, I think you have missed the boat.

A: 虽然你很努力地完成这项工作,但是你还是错失了良机。

B: I will not miss the boat when there is another opportunity again next time.

B: 我想下次再有机会我不会再错过了。



To err is human, to forgive is divine.人非圣贤,孰能无过。

A: I must apologize for breaking your music box.

A: 对于弄坏音乐盒的事情,我必须道歉。

B: Forget it. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

B: 别放在心上。人非圣贤,孰能无过。



It's just double Dutch to you.这个对你来说犹如天书。

A: I don't understand this passage. Could you do me a favor?

A: 这篇文章我看不懂,你能帮帮我吗?

B: It's just double Dutch to you. There are lots of generic terms about communication technology. Don't lost heart.

B: 这个对你来说犹如天书,这里面有很多通信技术方面的专业词汇,别灰心。



She'd better cop a plea.她最好坦白从宽。

A: Do you know how Susan got the full mark in this maths exam?

A: 你知道苏珊在这次的数学考试中是怎么得到满分的吗?

B: Don't you know? She often cheats in the exam.

B: 你不知道吗?她经常在考试中作弊。

A: She'd better cop a plea. We will consider it wrong to cheat in exams.

A: 她最好坦白。我们都认为在考试中作弊是不对的。



I know you got out on the wrong side of the bed.我知道你早上起来心情不好。

A: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to break your cup.

A: 真对不起,我不是故意打碎你的杯子的。

B: Nothing, I know you got out on the wrong side of the bed.

B: 没什么,我知道你早上起来心情不好。



Everyone feels under the weather.每个人都会有不舒服的时候。

A: I am sorry. I didn't accomplish this job on time.

A: 我很抱歉,我没有按时完成工作。

B: That's all right. Everyone feels under the weather sometimes. Just finish the rest when you feel well.

B: 没关系。每个人都会有不舒服的时候。当你感觉舒服些了,完成剩下的工作就可以了。



They are rednecks.他们是老粗。

A: Why aren't they are aware of the gravity of the situation?

A: 他们为什么就没有意识到事态的严重性呢?

B: Because they are rednecks.

B: 因为他们都是老粗。