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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-4

1 9558 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-07-25


Kick back.休息。

A: Honey, the case is over at last.

A: 亲爱的,这个案子终于结束了。

B: Congratulations, you should kick back now.

B: 恭喜你,你现在应该好好休息了。


Good friends should have no hard feelings.好朋友之间是不应该怀恨在心的。

A: May, what's wrong? You look unhappy.

A: 美,发生了什么事?你看起来不太开心。

B: Mom, I think I have offended Lisa.

B: 妈妈,我想我得罪了丽莎。

A: Don't worry. Good friends should have no hard feelings.

A: 别担心,好朋友之间是不应该怀恨在心的。


Could you please allow me to clarify?能允许我详细地阐明一下吗?

A: I realize this plan is impractical.

A: 我觉得你这个策划不切实际。

B: Boss, could you please allow me to clarify?

B: 老板,能允许我详细地阐明一下吗?


I will give you a ring.我待会打电话给你。

A: Adam, could I borrow your DV?

A: 亚当,你能把你的DV借我用下吗?

B: No problem. But, I am going to attend a conference. I will give you a ring. OK?

B: 没问题,但是我现在要去参加会议,我待会儿打电话给你,好吗?


Don't put your foot in your mouth.不要犯尴尬的口头错误。

A: Jane, there would be a very important meeting in our company.

A: 简,明天我们公司里有个很重要的会议。

B: Good luck! Don't put your foot in your mouth.

B: 祝你好运!不要犯尴尬的口头错误。


Don't get over yourself.别自以为是。

A: Honey, I have been waiting for you for five hours.

A: 亲爱的,我已经等了你五个小时了。

B: I didn't make you wait.

B: 我没让你等啊。

A: Hey, don't get over yourself.

A: 嗨,别太自以为是了。


Get off my back.少跟我啰嗦。

A: Daddy, I will talk about my study this term in details.

A: 爸爸,我想和你详细谈谈我这学期的学习。

B: Get off my back. I want to know the final result.

B: 少跟我啰嗦,我要最终的结果。


Don't nag me.别在我面前唠叨。

A: Honey, you know, I saw my favorite star Jessica yesterday.

A: 亲爱的,你知道吗?昨天我看见了我最喜欢的明星杰西卡。

B: Don't nag me. I want to sleep for a while.

B: 别在我面前唠叨,我想睡会儿。


Enough is enough.够了够了。

A: Mom, when you come home, please buy a coat, a skirt, a sweater...

A: 妈妈,你回来时给我买件外套、裙子、毛衣,还有……

B: Enough is enough. I know.

B: 够了,我知道了。


Don't give me your attitude.别跟我摆架子。

A: May, could you tell me how to solve this problem?

A: 美,你可以告诉我这个问题如何解决吗?

B: That's a secret. I couldn't tell you.

B: 这是个秘密,我不能告诉你。

A: Don't give me your attitude. Please tell me.

A: 别跟我摆架子了,快告诉我。