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1 6892 分享 来源:必克英语 2021-06-03




1.Because of you 

Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart(童鞋们熟悉的stare at中间插了一个out,是不是有种从屋内朝窗外看的即视感呢?a heavy heart肯定是要学习的搭配,沉重的心情,那么引申一下,a light heart什么意思呢?)

It's the end of the world in my mind

Then your voice pulls me back like a wake-up call(又是两个惯用语,本来我的内心就像世界末日,但是你的声音如同wake-up call。

I've been looking for the answer


I couldn't see that it was right there

But now I know what I didn't know(这几句话对童鞋们的时态意识提高大有裨益!从现在完成时,到过去时态和现在时态的起承转合,一气呵成~~)

Because you live and breathe

Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Because you live, girl

My world has twice as many stars in the sky

(整段话用了三个because的原因状语从句,最后my world一个主句,爱的深沉爱的浪漫啊:因为你,我的天空闪烁了双倍的星辰,倍数的表达是不是又复习了一遍呢?)

It's alright, I survived, I'm alive again (同样,时态的转换!)

Cuz of you, made it through every storm (她说风雨中这点痛算什么~~)

What is life, what's the use if you're killing time

I'm so glad I found an angel


Who was there when all my hopes fell


I wanna fly, looking in your eyes


Because you live and breathe

Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Because you live, girl

My world has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live, I live

Because you live there's a reason why

I carry on when I lose the fight

(看这个句型,because ___, there's a reason why__。练习仿写。carry on请熟记)

I want to give what you've given me always


Because you live and breathe

Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Because you live, girl

My world has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live and breathe

Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help

Because you live, girl

My world has everything I need to survive

(I need to survive修饰everything,省略了that)

Because you live, I live, I live


2.You Rise me up


如:when I 读为 [nai]

More than I 读为 [nai]


首先,在词尾以 [u:] 等接元音时可以加 [w]

如:so I can stand on mountains 读为 [wai]

其次,在词尾以 [i:] [ai] [ei] 等接元音时可以加 [j]

如:me up


如:wait here in the silence 读为 [rin]


如:Sit awhile 读为 [dail]



(1)down : low in spirits; depressed(情绪低落的,沮丧的);如:I am feeling down today. (我今天情绪低落。)

(2)still: free from disturbance, agitation, or commotion (安宁的,不受干扰的)

(3)more than I can be: more than 在这里相当于over (超过,超越);如I love you more than I can say. (爱你在心口难开。)

(4) raise up: 原指lift (举起),不过在这里用其connotation: encourage or inspire.

(5)Sit awhile: sit for a while or moment

(6)burdened: bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities
