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50 49647 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-09-06


1.   因为有你,世界变得美丽;因为有你,生活有了意义;因为有你,一切都是甜蜜。你是我的乍见之欢,你是我的眼神所向,你是我的温柔的归宿,你是我的嘴角扬起的理由。

Because of you, the world becomes beautiful.Because of you, life has meaning. Because of you, everything is sweet. You aremy first sight of joy, you are my eyes, you are my gentle destination, you aremy mouth raise reason.

2.   突然很怕老去,很怕死亡,很怕意外的来临,如果有一天我不在你身边了,谁来护你周全,谁来陪你走过一生流年。

All of a sudden, I'm afraid of aging, deathand the unexpected. If one day I'm not with you, who will take care of you andaccompany you throughout your life?

3.   我想留下来陪你生活,一起吃点苦,偶尔也享点福。如果都不想的话,就陪你度过那些最难熬的日子,无论怎样我都在。

I want to stay with you and live with you. Ifyou do not want to, I will accompany you through the most difficult days, nomatter what I am.

4.   世界上你或许不是最优秀的人,但我爱上你的时候,你就是我全世界的唯一。

You may not be the best person in the world,but when I fall in love with you, you are the only one in my whole world.

5.   如果陪我到最后的人是你,那么以前经历过的苦难、伤痛和绝望,都显得不再重要,你可以不用成为我生命中的阳光,但你一定是我的归宿。

If you are the one who accompany me to theend, then the suffering, pain and despair I have experienced before are nolonger important. You don't need to be the sunshine in my life, but you must bemy destiny.

6.   你对我一见倾心,我对你一见如故。初遇是你,余生都是你。

You hit it off with me and I hit it off withyou. The first encounter is you, the rest of your life.

7.   任何时候,任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。

Any time, any situation, as long as you needme, I will come at once and do my best for you.