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4 24058 分享 来源:必克英语 2017-09-29




National Day. 这是国庆节约定俗成的英文说法,用法固定,不能随意更改。


黄金周 golden week

阅兵military parade

国徽 National emblem

国旗 National flag

升旗仪式flag-rising ceremony

和平鸽 Dove of peace

放礼花explode fireworks

爱国热情 patriotism

服务人民 Serve the people

英勇善战 Brave and skillful in battle

忠诚于党 Loyal to the party

热爱人民 Love people

报效国家 Serve the country

改革开放 Reform and opening-up

与时俱进 Advance with times.

科学发展 Scientific development

社会和谐 Social harmony

五星红旗迎风飘扬 the five-star flag flutter inthe wind

人民解放军 People's Liberation Army

军旗 People's Liberation Army flag

人民万岁 Long live the Communist Partyof people



1. Colorful neon lights were hung here and there during NationalDay. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。2. National Day falls on aSaturday this year. 今年国庆节是星期六。3. The National Day is drawing closer.国庆节快到了。4. The National Day and theInternational Labor Day are great events in China. 国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日。5. On National Day, red flags are hung out ofevery window.国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗。6. It's October 1 ( the first ). It's National Day. 今天是十月一日,国庆节。7. Yes. Besides SpringFestival, National Day is another important holiday. 是的。但除了春节之外, 国庆节是另一个重要的节日。



1999年起国庆节是中国大陆的黄金周假期。国庆的法定休假时间为3天,再将前后两个周末调整为一起休假共计7天(今年因为中秋节是104日,所以是8天假期哦);中国大陆海外机构及企业则为3-7日;澳门特别行政区为2日,香港特别行政区为1日。golden week 黄金周long weekend小长假Golden week for tourism 旅游黄金周self-funded travel 自助游group tour 跟团旅游


1. Many articles are at a discount during National Day GoldenWeek. 国庆黄金周期间,有很多商品打折扣。2. In a few more days, we willenjoy our golden week of National Day. 再过几天,我们就可以欢度我们的国庆黄金周。3. At Golden Week, workers usethis time to relax physically and mentally, regulating emotions.在黄金周期间,劳动者利用这个时间放松身心,调节情绪。


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