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11 23986 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-03-29





1. When a human likes another human theyhold hands.

1. 当一个人喜欢另一个人的时候,他们就会手牵手。

Humans will often walk, sit or talk whileholding hands. They hold hands with their mate, family, friends and offspring.(Awwww.)


2. Humans love to eat sweet and softconcoctions made of sugar and cream. When it’s warm, they call it “pudding.”When it’s cold, the call it “ice cream.”

2. 人类喜欢吃由糖和奶油做成的甜软混合物。 热的话就叫“布丁”,凉的话就叫“冰淇淋”。

They even love sugar and cream so much sometimes they whip it, and put the “whipped cream” on top of their other cream-basedsweets.


3. Humans love to “hug.” They embrace eachothers’ bodies and it actually produces good feeling chemicals in them.

3. 人们喜欢拥抱。当人们拥抱彼此的时候,内心会产生感觉很好的化学物质。

Humans will hug each other for many reasons– love, celebration, sadness, comfort, romance, and even just to say hello orgoodbye! How cute is that?


4. Humans often “cuddle” which is basicallyjust a very long hug.

4. 人们经常依偎在一起,事实上就是一个长长的拥抱。

One of the positions of “cuddling”resembles the utensil they use to eat pudding, “spoons”, so they call it“spooning.”


5. Humans like interacting with each otherso much, they created the internet so they could be in constant contact evenwith humans that live far away.

5. 人们喜欢互相建立联系,因此他们发明了互联网,这样他们就可以与远处的人保持及时联系了。

They also invented FaceTime so they couldnot only talk to each other at long distances but also look upon each other’sfaces, aw.


6. When humans hear “music”, they oftencan’t help but bop to the rhythm, they call this, “dancing.”

6. 当人们听“音乐”的时候,而且经常情不自禁随着节拍扭动,他们把这称作是“舞蹈”。

They also “slow dance” which involvesHOLDING EACH OTHER AND SWAYING. UGH, SO CUTE.



7. When a human hears something they thinkis funny, an involuntary repetitive sound comes from them called “laughter.”

7. 当人们听到觉得有意思的事情时,他们就会发出一种重复的难以自已的声音,这叫做“大笑”。

They also can’t help but spread their mouthand show their little blunt teeth when they like something, which is called“smiling.”


8. Humans like human life so much, theyspend many hours a week watching other humans act out pretend scenarios ofhuman life on TV, in movies and on stage.

8. 人们很喜欢人类生活,他们经常花掉几个小时的时间去观看其他人在舞台上或者银幕上演的人类生活情景剧。

They create human “characters” and peoplecalled “actors” pretend to do things as said characters. Humans become deeplyattached to these characters.


9. Humans created soft pads covered in cozyfabrics to sleep in at night they call “beds.”

9. 人们创造了舒适的面料包裹着的软垫供他们晚上睡觉,他们称之为“床”。

Much like hamsters, humans love softmaterials such as cotton and wool. They snuggle into what they call “blankets”for comfort and warmth.



10. Humans love water, and gather aroundshores all over the world in warm weather to stare at it and swim a little waysin.

10. 人们喜欢水,而且在暖和的天气里聚集在全世界各个海滩,盯着水面,并且还会在里面游泳。

They also dig holes in their backyards andfill them with water to splash around in.


11. Even if it doesn’t always seem like it,the majority of humans just want to make the world a better place for otherhumans.

11. 即使看起来并不是那么回事儿,但是大多数的人还是想为了造福其他人而把世界变得更好。